TEDxBMU 2017

11 February 2017


Bridging the gaps

Sensing the need to break the walls between ideas and bring to light the issues which, in general consensus, can benefit the society, we came up with the theme 'Bridging the Gaps'. With this theme, we attempt to bridge the gap between reality and future. Weeding out the apocrypha, this event will serve as a benchmark to the emerging ideas and bridge any other gaps they come across, inspiring the society as a whole. At the event, we plan to bring together people and ideas, which one would not associate with each other on a regular day. But again, this is not just a regular day.








Psychology of Creativity | K V Sridhar

Psychology of Creativity is the relationship between creative process that goes on in mind and the complementary traits of a creative personality which is determined on the basis of convergent and divergent thinking. Mr. K V Sridhar aka POPS, bridges the gap between ability and reality to make use of the creative mind by talking to us about ‘The Psychology of Creativity’.

Becoming vs Being | Anupam Raghuvanshi

Motivation is the eagerness and passion that governs and manages one's behavior and defines the path along which you will move. Motivation is something that triggers you into action and allows you to follow through when obstacles appear. Mr. Anupam Raghuvanshi here talks to us about bridging the gap between Becoming and Being.

The importance of Digital Communication in Business | Shaili Chopra

The history of Communication is as previous as the history of human being society. The importance of Business Communication is indispensable in case of social and business life and is careful as the lifeblood of business. No business can develop in lack of Effective Communication and the role of Communication in Business can never be accessible in pages. Hence, Ms. Shaili Chopra here shares her ideas and expresses her viewpoints on the ‘Importance of communication in business environment’.

Virtual Design and Physical Delivery | Chandan Chowdhury

Virtual Design and Construction is the management of integrated multi-disciplinary performance models of design-construction projects, including the product, work processes and organization of the design - construction - operation team in order to support explicit and public business objectives. Dr. Chandan Chowdhury gives us a deep insight of how these methodologies help us in various fields of work and industries through his talk on ‘Virtual Design and Physical Delivery’.

The quest for Robots to be Human | Rajeev Karwal

There is little doubt that robots are now an integral part of society, and cheap sensors and powerful computers will ensure that, in the coming years, these robots will soon act on their own. This new era offers the promise of immense computing power, but it also reframes a question first raised more than half a century ago, at the birth of the intelligent machine: Will we control these machines or will they be able to think for themselves? Mr. Rajeev Karwal here bridges the gap between the two by sharing his ideas on ‘The quest for Robots to be Human’.

Need for Inclusivity | Shankar Srinivasan

People with mental or physical conditions are differently abled because they possess a unique set of abilities and perspectives. Everybody has ability and everybody matters, it's all about acknowledging it. 'Differently abled' doesn't hide the fact that your loved one has been diagnosed with a condition, but continues to empower them despite it. Oftentimes, differently abled people see what we can't, hear what we can't and think what we can't. This makes their ability different - not inferior, not superior - just different. Mr. Shankar Srinivasan here expresses his ideas and viewpoints on ‘Need for Inclusivity’.

Baptists and Bootleggers in Urban India | Shreyas Bharadwaj

Baptists and Bootleggers in Urban India Shreyas Bharadwaj is a conservative weekly columnist on urban affairs, transport and India's Education Laws at Swarajya Magazine's online news portal. He has also written for The News Minute. You can find him at @shreyasbdwa This talk was given at TEDxBMU using the TED conference format but independently organized by the local community.




TEDxBMU is the platform for the propagation of ideas, creativity and innovation to the rest of the world. We aim to create and foster a sense of community amongst the people and organisations who have gathered (and continue to gather) around this event; and to provide a cultural focus and impetus for conversation and debate.

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